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Frequently Asked Questions


Who can I talk to about my soccer questions?

Once you are assigned to a team and have a coach allocated be sure you have their contact information for all practice, game and team updates. Also be sure to check for emails from the Sport Connect system. For any other questions you can contact the Director, Anna Barrett, [email protected].

How are teams select/formed?

 1.     Player request for specific teammates - This is the main criteria. If a player has not played in LTYA soccer or was part of a team that is no longer forming this season, we look to keep players that requests their friends together if possible. One of the main reasons kids play sport at young ages is to be with friends. For this reason, in rec soccer we attempt to keep friends together.

2.     Player requests specific coach/team - Generally, the coach request will get many or all of the players, but sometimes the head coach is not returning or we get more requests for a coach than slots. This helps us keep players together, again based on criteria 1 but also those that want to play on the same team. Conversely, if a player requests NOT to be the prior team or requests a different team, that is honored over the coach request

3.     Coach request specific players - The third criteria we use is when a coach requests specific players. This ensures that teams from prior years are given an opportunity to join their existing team. It also means those players have first shot at their existing team.

4.     School attending - For players that have not made specific requests we try and place them with other players they may know from school or will be able to see at their school.

5.     Neighborhood - For players that have not made specific requests and don't have other players from their school or do not list a school we try and place them with other players they may live close to so they can see them out playing or make friends in their area.

 While this is not a perfect science, based on the criteria above we will generally get about 98% of kids placed properly. However, we do occasionally make a mistake, or the system doesn’t record the comment/teammate request correctly. If that happens it is not intentional and you simply need to reach out to [email protected] and we will try to fix the mistake or inform you why a player selection was made.

When are practice times for my child/team?

U4 has a 45 minute session at the same time, day and place each week. 
U5 - U7 have a practice/play model and play their game/practice on the same day within the same time frame one time each week.

U8 to U15 have practice times are decided on by the team & coach. Based on that the coach can request field space at the Field of Dreams or several LTISD facilities. We do have to pay for LTISD fields, so we prefer to leverage the Field of Dreams as much as possible.

Note: LTISD fields have time restrictions when we use their fields. Elementary school fields cannot be used until 6:30PM at the earliest due to after care. Middle school fields cannot be used until 6:00PM. We do not have bathroom facilities at these fields for practices.

Where are games played?

Games for U4 are played at Bee Cave MS on Saturdays and Field of Dreams during the week.

Games for U5-U7 are played at Bee Cave MS

Games for U8-U10 are played at the Field of Dreams

Home Games for U11 & up are played at the Field of Dreams, Bee Cave MS or Hudson Bend MS

Are we the Home Team or Away Team? Which jersey do we wear?

The first team listed on the game schedule is the Home team and second team listed is Away. 
Home Teams will wear red jerseys
Away Teams will wear white jerseys.
Example: Longhorns vs. Pirates, Longhorns are home in Red and Pirates are Away in White

FAQ’s for D2/D3 Teams (U11 and up / born 2008 - 2004)

Your games are coordinated by CAYSA (Central Austin Youth Soccer Association)
CAYSA homepage can be found here:
CAYSA Calendar can be found here:


Do I need to have soccer experience to coach?

There is no requirement to have soccer experience. We have a lot of great resources for planning practices, videos of drills and tips available to get you up to speed. You can access all of these here.

What are the requirements to become a coach?

You can read all about the volunteer requirements here.


Lake Travis Youth Association

2101 Lakeway Blvd. Suite 115 
Lakeway, Texas 78734
Phone : 512-261-1900
Email : [email protected]
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